Sunday, April 3, 2011

Brief info of Bengkulu : Location and Population

The Province of Bengkulu lies between  101 20'  -  103 45' EL  and 2 25' - 5 00' SL, along coastal line the western part of Sumatera island, Indonesia.  Geographically speaking, this province  covers  ± 1.978.870 ha  of land and is located in the western part of Bukit Barisan mountains, faces the Indonesian ocean with 433 km of coastal line.   This province could be considered as a tropical rain-forest area as its  average annual rainfall is 100 mm/year , with the number of rain-day  between  100-250 days/year.
According to the 2010 census, the population of this province is 1.7 million people (875.663 males and 837.730 females), scattering  into 10 major towns, i.e, Bengkulu (a municipality as well as the capital city of the province), and other municipality towns, including Curup, Argamakmur, Manna, Muara Aman, Kepahyang,  Tais, Bintuhan, Muko-Muko, and Karang Tinggi.   For further info, I would suggest you to visit  http ://

1 comment:

  1. I congratulate on your personal blog establishment. Hopefully this blog will enrich the treasures of thought and information about Bengkulu.


