Saturday, November 17, 2012

Seblat Elephant Training Center : Choice for Eco-travelers

Seblat  Elephant Training Center is one of the choices for eco-travelers to visit the province of Bengkulu.  This training center is located in northern part of  Bengkulu city, about 120 km away and can be reached within four to five hours of driving. Before reaching the camp, visitors must across the river of more than 25 m width.  Crossing the river with wooden canoe or with an elephant are very challenging and thrilling.  Visitors are allowed to stay overnight and this camp, of course, in a wooden camp.  This training center allows their visitors to have direct interaction with all the ‘trainees’. In companion with the trainers, visitors could  feel the sensation of  feeding the elephants, bathing them, as well as riding it to have a jungle tour and crossing the river.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bengkulu is suitable for eco-travelers

It is a common knowlegde that the province of Bengkulu is covered by almost 45 % of tropical rainforest. This unvaluable ecological ecosystem provides a magnificent biodiversity, in which people could find a wdie range of plant and animal diversity. This conservation area also serves as unique ecosystem in which people will find many endemic species, both plants and animals, also very wonderful natural arboretums as well as other unforgetable natural experiences. The availability of more than 500 km coastal areas along the western part of Sumatera island is complementary important to support the ecologically based tourism of this province. Both coastal and marine ecosystems provide a very good enchanting natural beauty and biodiversity. Since people of Bengkulu comprises of many different ethnic groups, the wonderful cultural diversity of this province which will definitely support the eco-based traveling. Travelers should be intentionally expose themselves to this unique social life, visiting villagers, staying with them for a week, and get involved in villagers social activities. Several historical sites are also easily visited and make your visit become unforgettable, including the biggest fort in South East Asia. Make sure the travelers get experienced the local cuisines, practice traditional performances, as well as experiencing traditional gold mining method. Please make a trip to Bengkulu, I believe you will get a wonderful experiences of how people in different part of this planet make and enjoy their live.